Uncle Chuck

Another member of Momma’s village is Uncle Chuck.  When Momma first got me, he was understandably concerned for my welfare so he gave her a magazine on raising Aussies.  He now provides legal services for me (pro bone).  That might seem like an unusual need for a dog, but if you knew Momma, you’d understand.  I don’t think Uncle Chuck is a criminal attorney, but he knows his way around the Criminal Code.  Also, he has connections in Florida should I need emergency help.

Speaking of connections in Florida, one day in December, Chuck texted me and told me of his plans to catch a ride from Minni to Miami on a friend’s airplane.  He knew that I was being held in Minni against my will so he suggested that he bring me along!  Unfortunately, though, Momma read the text and her mind went into overdrive.  She immediately hijacked (speaking of airplanes) the whole trip.  First, she would be going along to “care” for me.  Next, came the outlandish demands like champagne and caviar.  And then, to make it seem like this was all coming from me, she said to ask for Bil Jac dog treats.

Well, as you can imagine, the whole thing backfired and I got a stern lecture from Chuck.  When I explained that Momma was pulling the strings, he got the picture.  He now communicates with me only in French (he calls me Chere Niece Lina!) to avoid Momma’s prying eyes – and to protect my attorney-client privilege.

Me with My Bag Packed

Me With My Bag Packed

“Rendez-vous a l’aeroport, l’oncle Chuck?”

Lina, Client


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